ZooLu Connects Customers to African-Owned Businesses in the US and Canada
Why List in Zoolu?
Having an online presence in today’s competitive business world is a must! It helps you establish trust and allows thousands of potential customers to find you easily. ZooLu is the only online business directory that was created to connect customers to African-owned businesses in North America. This is the one-stop shop where all products, services and events within the African community in the diaspora can be found. We offer both free and paid products to help promote your business. Our free service gets your business listed at no cost. If you want to get additional exposure, our Featured listings product enables you to appear at the top of search results. With our FREE listings, you have no reason not to list your business and start growing.
Featured Listings
Having a Featured listing on ZooLu means your business always stays at the top any time a potential customer searches for your type of business locally. This is what makes you stand out among in a crowded field. Our performance tracking and analytics feature helps you track page views and other activity to gain insight into traffic to your page. Up until June 30, 2023, we are offering this also for FREE, so if you want to test how this can help you grow your business, send us a request with your information